The Caledonia
263 kW CoGen (CHP)
Cogeneration installation at Related’s luxury condominium at 459 West 17th Street.
Cogeneration system includes 263 kW unit with heat recovery and gas booster system.
The Caledonia had a CHP unit installed to help lower the building’s cost of energy. The CHP will run off natural gas pulled from the street line and have an electrical output of 263kW.
Powergen was contracted to build the plant for the Project Prime who was responsible for the engineering of the cogeneration system at The Caledonia.
This installation includes one (1) 263 kW natural gas driven reciprocating cogeneration unit with associated heat recovery. Jacket water from the cogens is used for heat recovery to supplement domestic hot water production and heat during the winter season.
Costs were partially offset with supplemental funding from a state agency called NYSERDA. In addition, the engineering team projected an attractive economic payback due to the substantial energy cost savings through on-site power generation and coincident heat generation.