One Carnegie Hill
152 kW CHP
Powergen is providing turn-key engineering and construction for a new Cogeneration installation at Related’s luxury condominium/rental building located at 215/217 East 96th Street on Manhattan's Upper East Side.
Cogeneration system includes a 152 kW generator unit with heat recovery to be integrated into the building's thermal and electrical loads to lower the building’s cost of energy and thermal/carbon footprint. The CHP will run off natural gas provided by the local Utility.
The partners of Powergen are responsible for the engineering of the cogeneration system for the facility. This installation includes one (1) 152 kW natural gas driven reciprocating cogeneration unit with associated heat recovery. Jacket water from the cogens will be used for heat recovery to supplement domestic hot water production and heat during the winter season.
Costs will be partially offset with supplemental funding from a state agency called NYSERDA. In addition, the engineering team demonstrated attractive economic payback due to the substantial energy cost savings through on-site power generation and coincident heat generation as well as favorable tax treatment incentives.
Powergen will provide 24/7/365 support, operations, and maintenance for the property and power plant once commissioned.