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Millennium Broadway Hotel

750 kW Tri-Gen (CCHP)

  • Tri-Generation plant and mechanical system upgrade design and installation at this world-class hotel comprised of 2 high rise buildings with more than 750 rooms and a 5-story landmark theatre.


  • This Plant is located in the heart of New York's theatre district and Times Square.


  • The Tri-Generation system includes three (3) 250 kW gas driven reciprocation engine generators, a 270-ton absorption chiller, and a new 25,000 lb/hr boiler as well as the replacement of old chillers and cooling towers.


  • Total construction cost approx. $8M.


  • Construction completed in 2015.


Powergen provided turn-key engineering, construction, and procurement for a new 500 kW tri-generation power plant and upgrading of mechanical building systems for this key hotel property.


The Tri-Generation plant and upgraded mechanical system will provide power, heating, and cooling for the hotel facility and theatre. The 500 kW power system will consist of two 250 kW engine generators and along with a common water heat recovery loop and a 270 chiller. The project also incorporated the installation of 3 low-pressure steam boilers in an N+1 setup with a capacity of 25,000 lbs/hr. One of the overall and successful objectives of this project was to generate sufficient steam on site to facilitate the disconnection of utility steam.


Two new energy efficient 650 ton chillers were installed to replace existing equipment that had reached the end of useful life. Two existing cooling towers are also being replaced with a single, more efficient 1,350 Ton cooling tower.


The project was designed and installed in such a manner that there was no interruption to the operations on the site.

Powergen provides 24/7/365 support, operations and maintenance for this iconic property and power plant.

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Powergen utilized an innovative approach regarding the sequence of design and construction of this project. The project was divided into 2 distinct phases. The first phase focused on the exterior installation of the engine generators and associated equipment, so the power generation could begin, and the hotel property could start to realize the cost benefit of reduced power costs. This first phase was also coordinated with the seasonal heating and operational needs of the hotel. Construction of Phase 2 of the project was designed to ensure the operations on site were not impacted while maintaining the scheduled project completion date.


The Tri-Generation system design meets the efficiency requirements specified to obtain supplemental project funding from NYSERDA.


The substantial energy cost savings through on-site power generation, coincident heating and cooling derived from the tri-generation process, the operation of upgraded chillers and cooling towers and the supplemental project funding secured through NYSERDA resulted in an economic payback for the project that is extremely attractive.

©2019 Powergen Development Group, LLC.

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